The subject was brought up in a Reddit AMA with Supermassive executive creative director Will Byles and design director Tom Heaton. Specifically, they were asked about the possibility of DLC involving a specific scenario that isn’t possible in the game, and which has spawned possibilities for new scenarios online. (Spoiler warning: The question on Reddit references story details, but this post is spoiler-free).
“We’ve seen them too and they’re great,” Supermassive said about these fan-created ideas . “But we are not currently working on any DLC for Until Dawn at the moment.“
Saying “at the moment” leaves open the possibility that new DLC could still come in the future. Supermassive previously left the door open for DLC, but suggested the chances of a virtual reality version weren’t high in the near future. Despite this, a new report has suggested a VR-enabled version of Until Dawn is in the works as DLC. Supermassive said in the AMA that it’s “not able to discuss these rumors today. Sorry.”